Membership Selection

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Associate Membership - Employed by Corporate Member - Non-SA Resident
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Feb 28th
This membership is for individuals only

This member class is open to individuals (Non-SA Residents) who meet any one of the following criteria and would like to write the IRMSA Board Exams and are employed by a Corporate Member:

  • Relevant qualification (NQF level 6) and 3 years risk management experience
  • Sector qualification (NQF level 6) and 5 years risk management experience
  • No formal tertiary qualification and 10 years risk management experience

  1. The membership year runs from 1 March to the last day of February.
  2. New applications approved from 1 September pay half the annual fee for that year.
  3. All applications for membership will be presented to the Membership Committee and a recommendation presented to the Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) Board for final approval. The final decision is at the discretion of the Board. 
  4. It takes approximately 30 days for Associate Membership Applications to be processed.
  5. Upon receipt of the completed application form and supporting documents, an email will be sent confirming receipt of the same. The application will then be sent to the Membership Committee for review and a recommendation will be made to the Board for final approval. Feedback on your application will be sent to you via email with a tax invoice. Provided payment has been received, you will be emailed your Membership Certificate and Acceptance Letter accordingly. 
  6. Should your application be successful, and your membership invoice is not settled within two months from date of issue, your application will be considered void, and you will be required to start the entire application process again.
  7. Further information may be requested to accurately determine the level of membership you qualify for.
  8. Associate Members gain access to the IRMSA Board Examinations. Separate registration fees apply.
  9. Please note use of the IRMSA logo is reserved for use by Corporate Members only and its use by Individual, Associate and Fellow Members is not allowed. 
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